
The Bizarre Case Of Minty And Malty Chapter 23

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The Bizarre Case Of Minty And Malty

by Speedy


Dear Minty, if you’re reading this then I have no doubt that I have died. Now, I know you were never a fan of my chosen speech so for this letter I shall write normally. Minty, I miss you greatly. You just snorted didn’t you? Yeah, I can imagine this isn’t quite what you had expected. So many years of being apart, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d just ripped this up and threw it away at the first few words.

But if you’re still reading, thank you my child. I’m writing this to be somewhat of an will, but mostly as a way to speak with you. Ever since you left---ever since I threw you out, I regretted it every waking moment. I was too caught up in the times and wanted you to follow in my steps, but when you shown talent for candy---something I had forbidden you from and gave away at first sight, I just got enraged and didn’t think properly.

I said things I shouldn’t have, I threw you to the streets without so much of a blanket to keep warm...after a couple hours and after I had cooled down I felt so terrible. How could an mother treat her own child like that? At that moment I realized what a mistake I had made, I tried looking for you but I could never find you. I just gave up and decided to let you be. I started to think that you would be happier without my strict lifestyle, ponies sometimes tell me I am stricter than---what you call it?

An brick wall is the next closest example, I’m sorry you had to grow up under such harsh rules. But I wanted the best for you, however...I wasn’t thinking about you, just what I wanted for you. Over the years that followed our separation I became more bitter, more harsh, whenever I thought of you I would lose my temper something fierce. Then one day I saw it---there was article about you in the papers.

You had recently opened up a candy shop in an old run down mess of a building, yet you were named a candy prodigy before the first week was even out. You had became exactly what I tried stopping you from being, an---candy-teer as my father called them. I should have had every right to be angry, but I was not. On the contrary, I was happy, I was actually---proud of you. My daughter had archived her foal hood dream, what reason did I have to not be proud?

Over the course of the following years I kept watch over you, and when I had finally built the courage to approach you, you weren’t there. But she was, the most kind mare I had ever met answered the door. I ended up confiding in her and somehow, over the course of three years we grew close. Oh don’t be mad at her, it was I who convinced her to keep quiet in fear of you losing your own temper.

She’s such a sweet mare and I am happy she works for you, at least I could be certain you had an friendly workmate. I was told Thistle Whistle visits regularly, I am glad my old self had not ruined that kinship. Although, does Thistle Whistle even remember? After that Candy Cane Incident as some called it, the poor thing lost most of her memory. Oh dear, I’m rambling. Let me cut to an important time that I have no doubt is long passed, at least I’d hoped it had.

On the night of October twenty fifth, on an most foreboding night if I ever saw one, fog was illuminating the streets as I stumbled upon the last mare I thought I would ever see. It was you, only it wasn’t. It was just an mare that greatly resembled you, I realized it was somepony else when I saw her bright yellow eyes. She looked injured, confounded, she couldn’t speak the poor thing.

What was I to do? I took her back to my place as it was just a two minute trot, through the next hour or so I had nursed her back to health and soon she was able to speak. She didn’t seem to remember anything and I concluded that she had amnesia, but we talked on in hopes she’d remembered something. I had asked her ‘do you remember a location?’ and she did, it wasn’t a street name nor number but she remembered details that I had connected to your building.

I stared at this strange mare, puzzled, I feared the worse and had called Tropical Dream to check in on you. She said you weren’t in bed but you were usually out that late anyhow so she thought nothing of it. I stared at the mare with an keen look of suspicion as I laid down the phone, I simply asked what her name was but she didn’t remember. I asked if she met an green mare with a pink mane, she said ‘Of course, me!’ which being honest had made me chuckle.

I had to know if you were safe and whether or not you had gotten into a fight with this mare, but after many hours of talking I came to the decision that wasn’t the case. After a cup of warm tea I decided to take her home, I hoovepalmed as she couldn’t even recall her own bloody name. So, I did a small trick that I had once taught you. I trotted with her and told her to point out anything that was familiar, she didn’t until we reached your street number. She felt your building was awfully familiar but she didn’t want to enter, it was late so I assumed you were asleep but I managed to persuade her to head in anyhow.

Suddenly I noticed a light had turned on in an upstairs room, scared I fled and didn’t hear back from the strange mare in a few days, three, to be precise. I awoke early at the sound of an knock from my front door, grudgingly I glanced at the clock and saw it was six in the morning, SIX! I got up, put on my nightgown, and stormed to the door ready to wreck somepony’s ears when, to my utter surprise, I saw the strange mare. She asked to enter and had completely overlooked the lamp I was carrying.

After some tea she told me something strange, once she had entered the building she saw a familiar hallway and went down it to enter what resembled an lab. She didn’t remember anything else until she had awoken that very morning, she was asleep and hadn’t awoke for three days? It was curious, Tropical Dream had messaged me saying she found you sound asleep in that very room. I was puzzled, but not crazy, however I recalled a certain book that I had once loaned to Pearl.

Speaking of Pearl I hear her father is getting worse, sad to hear but it’s not surprising. Oh don’t get me wrong, when you inhale so much fume, no matter the amount, it does things to you. I only hope the doctors can manage to find a cure or something, Thistle Whistle had already lost her own father at sea and I would shudder at the thought of her losing her grandfather next. I know that big accident he was involved with is uncomfortable so let me get back on track, although I need to request that book back as it is a family heirloom.

Now let’s see, oh right. I wasn’t sure why I had suddenly remembered the book, luckily I have a very keen memory so it was no trouble in remembering the pages. Minty, what I’m about to say may shock you if you haven’t learnt of it already. The book in question was written by an old and distance relative, at least two hundred years distant in fact. It’s a family secret, kept with heirlooms and the like.

The story he wrote connects very well to the life of a close friend he once knew, a friend so close they might as well had been brothers. Now it was crazy to even think, but I wanted to test it out. I kept her by my side the whole day, as she still had no name to recall I took it upon myself to name her. You remember my old nickname my colleagues used to call me by? I thought it had fit her, and it very well stuck. Minutes turned to hours and dusk became twilight, then it happened.

We were just trotting back inside my place when she suddenly kneeled over, dear lord, I still remember her screaming face. I had to clutch the wall for support for I was so shocked it could had very well killed me, the mare I had named Malty fell to the floor and it was you who I rolled over.

I can’t express the way I felt, it was just too much to even bear. My theory, which was so far fetched it could had ruined me, turned out to be correct. Was it coincidence? Or was I just losing my mind and imagined the whole thing? I don’t remember what had transpired, I just recall carrying you home and wanting to forget the whole thing had ever happened. But the mare returned the very next day and confirmed that it was no hallucination.

I should had turned her away for I was still very much in shock, but I couldn’t...I just couldn’t throw my own daughter out again, especially when she needed me. But would you had even believed me? I feared not, but even as I look upon this mare I see your face. What I did next was very wrong, immoral in fact and I have no doubt that you would had hated me even more. I was surprised, that this mare---now named Malty---believed my words when I had told her of what had transpired the previous night.

She looked at the old photos of you and I that hung in the same exact places since I had kicked you out so very long ago, I couldn’t bring myself to move them so they remained so I would never forget my guilt. Malty looked like she had just solved a complex puzzle as she told me ‘I looked around the building, and this mare here is in pictures over there as well’ it really did surprised me that she wasn’t even the least bit troubled.

But then she told me, after we talked on, that she wanted a life. She wanted yours and I had to stop her but I couldn’t harm my own child, even though you were an entirely different mare it was still you. I just couldn’t bring myself, so I---gave her an ultimatum instead. I told her ‘I can give you another life, one that’s entirely your own. And all I ask is that you keep it separate from my daughter’s’.

She didn’t think long on it, she took probably five seconds before taking me up on it. I know that it was wrong and that I should had felt guilty, but I was thrilled. I was given a second chance at raising you. My self pride took control and over the course of an year I taught her all the basics of being proper, I was sure she’d abject like you had but she seemed interested. I noticed an talent within her, writing. So I gave her an contact I had in book writing and within two months her first book was out.

Right away I knew it was about her in some way, but I didn’t bring it up as long as she was happy and separate from you. As I write this, the two year anniversary of when I first found her is almost upon me. Malty had made quite an name for herself, though I fear she had inherited my temper as rumors were anything but cheerful about her. But, she was doing well and almost weekly the papers had mentioned your name, ‘Candy genius Minty had done it again!’’ it would often say.

I wish I could congratulate you in person, but my soul would have to be content with what it had. But then bad news came to my attention, I came back from the doctors a few days ago and, what they told me is why I’m writing this to you now. I’m dying, why you may ask? My kidney is failing. I went back to the hospital over the course of a few months but it isn’t getting better. If I don’t get an donor within the next couple months, well---you’re reading this aren’t you? I knew the only donor there was is, ironically, you.

But I could never ask it of you, how would it had even went? Your old mother, who you probably still hate with passion, suddenly appeared at your door and asked for an kidney? You would likely had slammed the door in my face. I could had asked Malty, but what would you had said to waking up with stitches? Or even during the surgery! My lord, that would had been terrible wouldn’t it?

So, I decided to die in peace. The only pony I told about it was Tropical Dream, you should had seen her tears. She wanted me to meet you at an Hearth’s Warming Party once, did she ever tell you that? I’m sad to say it would had been impossible now like it was then, I felt too guilty to even stand in your shadow. After hearing of my contention she wanted to talk with you but I told her not too, if she had then Malty would had been the one waking up with stitches.

I preferred to let both of you live. Tropical Dream, I never told her about Malty’s secret but I had asked her that once I’m gone, for her to watch over Malty in my place. No doubt she’ll figure it out eventually, she is bright. Now, whether you become aware of Malty or had already known about her, there is one thing I must say to you. Everything that I had ever did was for you. I told myself that keeping Malty’s life distance would protect the life you had built, the first time I thought about you---and it was still something terrible!

Minty, I can’t fix what I have done nor could I take back what I said. I’m not even worthy enough to ask anything of you, but I must. Minty, nothing had made me more proud than seeing you succeed. I shall leave everything I own to three ponies that even as I die will remain in my heart, Malty, Tropical Dream, and yourself. All I ask in return is one simple wish. The hope, that you would still remember me.

My daughter, live. That is all I can ask, live your life the way you see fit. No matter how harsh our memories might be, I am happy to had been your mother. Now, with the laying down of this quill, I say goodbye my daughter and I wish you a very happy life. Something I could never give you myself...

<center>Your loving mother, Amethyst.</center>

<center>Live your life Minty, live."</center>

Minty rolled up the letter and tucked it back inside her saddlebag. She stood in a graveyard and right before her was Amethyst’s tombstone.

In Loving Memory...” she shed a tear but wiped it away as she smiled at her mother’s headstone. “I have never forgotten you either mom, remember that? I say it like every time I visit you” Minty gave an tearful chuckle. “I miss you a lot, mom”.

Minty rubbed her nose which had started to run, staring at the headstone should be making her sad but she felt far from it. She took another sniff and looked up at the falling snow, she could hardly believe how much time had passed.

“Tropical Dream says I still cry for myself,” she spoke as she turned her attention back down at the headstone. “or something about memories? I’ll never understand what you saw in her” Minty gave another chuckle.

“The town is doing better, it’s still healing but luckily no feud, yet anyhow. More good news, the charges towards Malty were finally dropped today. Star Catcher kept her promise, though I get the feeling that Celestia knew...Luna I know for certain knew, the way she stared at me..anyways, I finally got to question Pinkie about the salts and she said that they were just plain old salts...I didn’t buy it so I asked her to get them checked out, I should hear back in a few days or so" Minty explained the recent events to her mother.

Minty went to continue but paused when she heard a noise behind her. "You’re late, missy”.

“Sorry, just saw my mom off on the train” spoke Whistle who was hovering down by Minty’s side.

As Whistle landed Minty flicked her scarf playfully, Whistle grinned and she returned the favor.

“Well, at least you’re here now. Look, even though it’s snowing they cut the grass”” Minty said, pointing out the newly cut grass that was quickly being retaken by snow.

“Hey yeah, I don’t get why though” Whistle had said after rubbing her itchy nose. “You think the snow would ruin their mowers” Whistle looked about the graveyard until her eyes finally came to rest upon Amethyst’s headstone, while staring at it she added “Do you think she’d be happy about---”

“She was secretly dating Tropical, I don’t think she has the right to argue” interrupted Minty who gave a small giggle, as well as a blush.

Whistle giggled along with a playful whistle, “Heh, probably right” as she nuzzled her head against Minty’s she asked her “Told her yet?”

“Not yet,” Minty paused as she wrapped her foreleg around Whistle’s. “Tropical is doing well mom. The foal she adopted is also doing well, though she had to give up a few hours to raise her---but she’s quite happy”.

“I still can’t believe she named her after your mom, she stole it from you!” Whistle laughed without meaning too.

Minty shrugged and flicked her scarf back around her neck, she noticed the soft wind was starting to pick up ever so slightly. “Heh, well, I’m not mad” she replied.

Minty moved Whistle’s wing so she could nuzzle herself under it, she then took a feather to wipe her nose and even though Whistle had flinched, she didn’t mind.

“Lily is helping her raise the foal,” Minty started but had pause to hand Whistle the feather so she could clean her nose too. “after leaving the guard force she took up a lot of free time to help us out”.

Whistle looked under her wing at Minty, her mouth had fell as she said “I didn’t know she gave up her job”

“Don’t you remember?” Minty asked her. “She told Sparkleworks”.

Whistle shook her head. “No---she said Lily only thought about quitting, she never said she actually did, silly filly” Whistle rolled her eyes with a laugh.

“Oh, well then--” Minty coughed and wanted to hide her blushing face under her scarf. “Tell her about them by the way”.

“About who--oh! Yeah OK!” Whistle cleared her throat and Minty feared she was about to have one of her long speeches. “Sparkleworks and Star Catcher are officially together now, though no wedding---” Whistle looked down sadly and dug at the snow. “---but they have the rings so they might as well have had one and just didn’t invite us to it”.

Minty offered an chuckle that gave her an angered stare from Whistle. Giggling she leaned up and kissed Whistle’s cheek, Whistle blushingly stared away and off into the sky.

”I still can’t get over what Star Catcher had told us..” Minty said as she looked the other way with her own blush.

“About what Amethyst mentioned in her letter?” asked Whistle.

“Yeah, she confirmed it with an history book.” answered Minty, turning back to her marefriend she asked “Btw, your grandfather?”

“Oh he’s better. He still forgets things here and there, but he’s doing far better than he was an month ago” replied Whistle who sounded happy despite her concern face.

Minty smiled, as she removed herself out from under Whistle’s wing she asked “You brought the flowers?”

Whistle gasped and Minty almost facehooved. “I almost forgot!” cried Whistle.

Whistle reached inside her own saddlebag and took out brightly colored flowers that she had stuffed Minty’s nose into by accident. Whistle at first felt terrible but Minty reassured her that she wasn’t allergic to them.

“Thanks” Minty spoke and pecked her cheek again. She took the flowers and kneeled down to place them against the headstone. She ran her hoof across her mother’s name as she spoke “I love you mom. Don’t worry, my candy chain is a big success! Though I no longer use the salts that Pinkie had supplied me with, it’s just too dangerous”.

Minty began tearing up as she went on. “I wish you could see it, maybe if you’re able to look down on us---” she paused as her ears had picked up on an small sound. “Oh stop crying, will you?”

“I can’t---” Whistle sniffed. “---whenever I see you cry, I cry!”

Minty stood up and embraced Whistle in an hug and they each held the other tightly. Luckily Whistle had held back and Minty only suffered a slight pinch of pain, but she didn’t care as long as she had Whistle by her side. They must’ve stood there in the other’s embrace for probably ten minutes before Minty broke it so she could look inside her saddlebag. From it she took out an old and worn looking pocket watch, on the cover was the name Amethyst sketched into it.

“Let’s go home” Minty said after putting the watch away and turning to her mother’s headstone once more.

Using her scarf to wipe away their tears the two were trotting away when suddenly Minty galloped back and started rampaging through her saddlebag.

“Here, I almost forgot” she spoke, placing an photo upon the grave. “All of our friends, yes, even your old ones. The groundskeeper said he’d be up later with an frame that’ll attach to your headstone”.

“Come on!” Whistled whined. “Sparkleworks said their having hot chocolate tonight!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right there” returned Minty.

As Minty watched Whistle hovering back to their taxi, the owner looking quite the worse for wear with a rose colored nose, she wondered if there was anything else she was forgetting to mention. She shrugged it off, there was nothing she could see ahead but a bright and happy future with her candy, and with Whistle.

As she trotted back to the taxi she whispered “Rest peacefully mom. That, is all I can ask”.

As she and Whistle were carried off in the taxi she watched the snowfall Whistle kept trying to get a snowflake to fall on her tongue and she lost balance, luckily Minty had tugged on her tail just in time and pulled her back to the seat. Minty shook her head with a grin, as Whistle nuzzled against her Minty wondered what laid ahead for them. She remembered something Whistle’s grandfather had once said before he fell ill so long ago, the future is what you make it and Minty is very determined to do just that. All the while with Whistle by her side.


Well, here we are. The final chapter in the story. This has been a long and stressful road, but at long last, after all these months and hours put into this single story, it is complete. I hope you all enjoy it and comment as well as share, oh and if you want to read it on the go here's the full story you can download and use for ereaders. Thank you all for viewing and see you for the next story. ^^

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